So Today was E.D.'s first day for going hunting. This lively little 3 year old never stopped all day long. And he thought that he actually shot some doves.

Today we went with Mike Shirts, Jerry Coon, Dean Arnoldsen, Tony and E.D. out west of Idaho Falls along the Lava's and only got 5 doves total. We had a good time enjoying the nice weather and eachothers friendship and also for me, watching my son and grandson interact and bond just like my dad and I used to do. That was the best part.
The final score was, hunters 5 doves. Doves clearly won after nearly a hundred rounds at them. What a great day!!!!
HOw fun! I want to get into bird hunting badly. There are huge wild turkeys every where here and I really want to give that a try!! My dad is lucky to have you as a friend...and you were always my favorite friend he had!:)
E.D. looks so cute! What a good grandpa you are Ralph!
This is by far the cutest post I have seen in a long time anywhere. Ed is my favorite little nephew and come on, he is absolutely adorable!
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