So last night, Tony and I helped him move the last of his and Stephie's stuff to Michelle's basement and also into his truck. Tony went home after our lirst load to Michelle's and then it was just Dave and me. It was fun working together. We worked together until 2 a.m. I loved every minute of it. I was with my little pal who was always a quiet little feller to take along. Now, I look at him as an accomplished and focused young man. He's funny, and just good. He wanted to leave this morning at 2 and I encouraged him to sleep so that he could travel safely and get to Stephie in one piece. When I left this morning (7:25), he was asleep on the couch (just like he did when he was living with me) and he looked at peace. I gave him a big hug and a squeeze and a kiss and he slept right through it.
I looked at his truck out in front of the house all tied in with his stuff and shed some trears of joy for him and Stephanie and their new little babies that are coming. Tears of joy anyway and not of sadness. I guess it's really the first time that Dave has really ever left! Well, he did leave to work in Big Sky Montana for a winter and then there was the time he left to go live in Columbus Ohio. Back in those days, it was probably ok for Davey to leave. In fact, I believe we held the door open for him. ha ha. But, through all the stuggles that his sweet mom and I had, he always came home and he was always here. Probably, he never knew how much I so appreciated him being here. I guess he was a rock to me just like all of my kids are. He just was always there. Sooo, I'll have to get used to going to Boise to see him. At least for the time being.
Good for you Davey! I love You Kid!

Wow Ralph I'm sitting here sobbing after reading what you wrote! I can so relate to how you feel when one of your kids leaves home....your happy for them and yet so sad to not have them around any more. Thanks for sharing that! He sounds like a great young man!
Hey--LaRae Serr's granddaughter here, I saw your blog through Coon's. I was really excited to get caught up on your family. I just wanted to thank you for your help and kindness back in the day, 18 years ago actually, when we were leaving with my grandma and you were in the bishopric. I hope all is going well for you and Annette.
I am scared and excited for the days when my children become independent . But I am sure it does tug on those heart strings to see him leave. What a good dad though he has had all these years to help teach him!!
What a sweet post Popi. Seperation is always hard...Mark's oldest daughter Annie is in Boise area with her husband and two children. Maybe you'll run into them. Vaya con Dios.
This post made me almost cry. Look at how grown up we all are. I wish David and his wife the best of luck and I hope that you can find peace with his choice. I can't imagine a child leaving me, nor do I want too. Love ya Ralphy!
We love you Ralph. There is always a place for you here to come see us!!!
I'm excited because they will be closer to me!!!
I remember being to happy when Dave came home from Ohio...that was the best.
He really has turned into quite the amazing young man, hasn't he? I'm definitely proud of him and I love talking to him on the phone. When we were younger we hated eachother, so I love any bonding moments we get.
And we all love couldn't you? I really couldn't have picked a better match. Some people could date and marry almost anyone, but they really were a match made in heaven...weird. :)
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